Wednesday, October 2, 2019

carrots and pears

there was another free food distribution event, probably the last of the season. I decided to get a bag of carrots, as well as some pears. I counted 24 carrots and 14 pears. so I will likely have at least one of each per day to see that they get used up in a timely fashion. the rain made it less fun to be outside for it. I was offered a bag to put them in but said I already had one. I went there shortly after getting back from the dollar store. some of the display shelves were moved to give more space to working in the ceiling and I picked up three pennies that remained.
    I had an interview this morning, it was with a weight loss company. but it was misleading to call it customer service, as it was more like sales, so I said it wasn't the right thing for me. they wanted it kept quiet from the clients about being commission-based, not sure why when it should seem obvious to most people. then I went to my post office box, and there were 2 e-bay orders there. after the food event, I went to look at the used CD shop with my list but didn't get anything. this is not typical for me, but I have to justify it went money is tight. I got the postal mural stamps at another post office as the one in my neighborhood was out of them. I went to look at book cases at an office max, but the ones of interest to me, in a clearance sale, were not on display. so it means ordering them online and doing in-store pickup. when I got home I placed two amazon orders, both CDs- by pink, and Eminem. I still have some gift card money left, it helps that I don't order all too often from there.
   it was nice performing tonight, I responded to being introduced as a 'legend'. the show runner responded to my mention of karaoke. it was annoying that another performer called me out when I got up during their set, as I really needed to go to the bathroom. it was nobody that I knew really well though. after the show I went to a gas station, and didn't like seeing a locked door for a bathroom so I went to another one as I was getting tired of waiting. my loyalty card wasn't working, the barcode was too worn, so it means switching out cards. I was using the type that is on a keychain but it means going back to a card in my wallet.

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