Tuesday, October 1, 2019

cornbread, earl and me movie

I watched a DVD movie on loan from the library today, 'cornbread earl and me'. I recognized some of the actors in it. Bernie Casey played one of the cops. and Laurence Fishburne was in it as the 'me' in the title, credited with a 'III' at the end of his name. it was about an 'officer involved shooting' and I was expecting it to be about a basketball star. it was curious to me that it was billed on the DVD cover as taking place in Chicago, although I saw a California license plate on a car as well as California state flags. I am aware that it was based on a book called 'hog butcher', so I understand why the name was changed as they were trying to sell a movie. this does explain how it would have a Chicago setting, at least in the novel, since Carl Sandburg wrote a famous poem calling the city 'hog butcher to the world'. weird to see a pickup basketball game happening despite heavy rain. I checked Wikipedia and it said Jamaal Wilkes played 'cornbread' but I am not as familiar with him as some of the other star players for the Los Angeles Lakers at that time. it was also a little silly early on seeing some basketball action inside a house. although for some this still might be realistic.
   there was not much movement on the job front, although I got an email invite to a job fair open house for next week. I went to the library to print some things, and this was one of them. also to get the schedules for 'booya' soup servings. this appears to be a similar circuit as the fish fries during lent- at catholic churches, bars, and veteran groups (VFW and American legion halls). I also searched about where to find book cases that are affordable, and the most common answer was office depot or office max. along with finding out the cost of storage boxes at u-haul, as it is time for a cleanup around my home.
   it was great performing this evening, as usual I did some karaoke stories. along with one about going to the aldi grocery store. I liked seeing some people I hadn't seen in a while, including opera singer, wee bit, and Arizona Chicago. opera singer said there may be another pop-up show soon, and I liked performing at it before.

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