Wednesday, October 30, 2019

taco bell self-serve kiosk

I went to eat at taco bell tonight because of their promotion related to the world series. I liked seeing the self-serve kiosk on the wall there, makes it easier to place an order. I had seen some of these before, such as at mcdonald's. I decided to eat in because there was a seating area, but it didn't take long. I had three soft tacos. the main thing was figuring out the logistics as I was leaving. it was a cramped parking lot, so I pretty much left the same way I arrived. I did watch the world series tonight, as usual starting at home. the astros led 1-0 when I left for the performance venue. they were up 2-0 as I was leaving, and the nationals were ahead 3-2 during my drive home. I still like following a game on the radio whenever possible. then I watched the rest of the game at home, and the nationals beat the astros 6-2 to take the series 4-3. I was the first performer on after the MC. the Wisconsin couple was there as well. and there was some candy put out by the show runner.
    at work we signed into the system for the first time to see that it was working, but did not take calls. I was fighting to stay awake in the afternoon, I know this has happened before at this time of day, I call it 'hitting a wall'. some of what we covered was the language line, and the hard of hearing line. and this was familiar from when I did call center work before.

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