Tuesday, October 29, 2019

popcorn and cupcakes

I tried going to an open-mic tonight, but the venue was closed when I arrived. so I had some popcorn nearby at candyland since it was in downtown st. paul. this was on my way back to my car. before that I walked around downtown to the saints stadium and then union depot. I needed to go to the bathroom and figured I could do that at the train station, and I was correct. I passed by a few bars while walking downtown so I stayed aware of how the world series, game 6, was going. the nationals were ahead 3-2. I was watching it at home before leaving for the venue. then I stopped at a grocery store and got more limited edition cupcakes from hostess. on the way in I saw a fellow performer, the happy trumpet player. I asked what happened with the mic, and based on what he said and what I had witnessed last week, it sounds like it was equipment problems, same as about a month ago. I was still following the game on the radio and it was 5-2 by then. I got home and watched the rest of the game there. the nationals beat the astros 7-2 so the series is now tied 3-3.
   at work we are moving right along with training. it meant doing our time cards this morning, for the first time. then it was more about tax credits, and in the afternoon it was listening to recorded calls. so I liked being able to get back into the system, albeit a simulated one. although I needed to look at the manual to be reminded of the steps to get there. before the day started I was near the snack shack and I got annoyed with a colleague, who felt the need to say something I already knew. it was that we would be in the basement. I read the schedule, and we had a few minutes before the day started anyway. as the saying goes, not all who wander are lost.

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