Thursday, October 24, 2019

canada pooch

i was taking the light rail home after work and I saw some people get on with a dog that was wearing a coat that said 'Canada pooch'. but I don't think it was a service dog. I am aware that I will see all kinds of things on public transport, now that I am back at work. speaking of that, when I was checking email it was nice to be identified as a current employee. even though it was a rejection message. I am paying attention to what they are saying in training about not needing to wait a year to post for other jobs with the state. normally it is that long, in the private sector. we heard some more calls, three in all in the afternoon, taken by one of the trainers. I also had another meeting with my accountability partner, this was just after lunchtime.
   I responded to a message from my niece and she said she was giving a short response because she was at a chorus concert. I said I understand, and since it was early evening it was time for me to go eat. I laid down for a while, so I missed some of the Vikings-redskins game on TV. Vikings won 19-9. I had to be aware of the game due to where I would be driving to do karaoke. but even though I got a later start due to falling asleep, I passed by the stadium on the interstate just about when the game was ending so I avoided the after-game traffic. I sang 'come out and play' by the offspring. the karaoke jockey told me a story about giving somebody an uber ride from Fridley to Duluth, then seeing a comedy show up there. he said some of the performers were really young, like 16.

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