Saturday, October 26, 2019

look back in anger movie

I watched a DVD movie on loan from the library this morning, 'look back in anger'. it is british, and I did not know many of the actors in it. I recognized the name of one, emma Thompson, but it might have been the first movie I had seen her in. this one was of interest to me as I saw it name-checked in another movie, 'mouse that roared', as a play being performed when the invaders arrive in new York. this play/movie did remind me of other shows I had seen, although some might just think of it as a soap opera. because of the drama in it. I was thinking of 'archie bunker' (all in the family) as well as 'glass menagerie', even 'streetcar named desire'. I am aware that two of those were by Tennessee Williams. one scene even made a subtle reference, saying that an actor looked like marlon brando. it all took place in a very small flat, or apartment. and it was a small cast, about five people I think. but I did like lines in it like 'the pain of being alive'. the british references in it weren't lost on me, such as Edwardian, as I know their eras are by who the monarch was. odd how they had to leave the room to take a call. I also knew that judi dench directed this version, and I know who that is, from the James bond movies. it was a thames network program, I know 'man about the house' was also thames, it inspired 'three's company'. in America it appeared to be shown on A and E. the show works for me, because of the passion and honesty in it.
   I have already done plenty or errand running today, because I have a gig tonight. it started with the post office, and the eccentric employee seeing a catalog sent to me and asking what I would be ordering. and I printed a few things at the library, and returned a movie, but did not get another one. looking at my upcoming schedule, I don't have a lot of time for watching them. after the gig, acting at a haunted house, I did some karaoke, but not at my typical venue. I wanted to find one that was closer, more likely to get on before the end of the night. I sang 'nothing else matters' by metallica. this will be memorable because I briefly left the stage and then returned, during a guitar solo. I had no choice, because I had to chase down somebody that was trying to leave with my coat. she came back to apologize, claiming it looked like her friend's coat. not even saying 'that's my coat' when I had the microphone was enough for her to stop. when I got home I checked the score of the world series game, found out the astros beat the nationals 8-1. so the series is now tied 2-2.

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