Tuesday, March 17, 2020

cleaning, part two

I did more cleaning today, this time laundry. it was time, as the basket was full. I often say 'bed strip' because I am taking the sheets off. I have noticed that laundromats are staying open, but people still need clean clothes after all. there were a few other people there when I went, but I still get antsy and spent some time offsite just walking around the neighborhood. I have it timed well so I know when to be back. I did this errand after getting back from an appointment this morning. It was with an agency and I submitted another application. I knew I had been there before, more than two years ago, but I didn't want to admit it. all that they told me was that the file said 'incomplete application'. there was different personnel this time, which also likely helpful. near the end of the day I heard my phone ring when I was driving in my car. I let it go to voicemail and responded to it when I got home, after turning off my car. it was about an application I had submitted a few weeks ago. they are asking for a cover letter and I will see about getting that done at a fedex office location. I went to the library but it was closed, in the name of 'social distancing'. so I am trying to line up alternate plans. after the appointment with the agency, eventually I got the background check email and completed it.
   I am getting plenty of pictures of what is happening. I saw an old pickup dressed up for st. Patrick's day. others were of the closures due to the virus. one place in a strip mall I saw a couple try to enter a cell phone shop and they couldn't. some other pictures were during my walk in the evening. I am thankful I am still getting out for a walk, as it helps clear my mind. I also saw an email saying the test scoring project I agreed to at the end of the month has been delayed. no surprise when many schools are closed right now. but since I am working on other leads it may not be too big of a deal. there still are more applications that I can submit online of course.

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