Monday, March 30, 2020

job application assessments

I filed plenty more job applications on indeed this afternoon, about 30 I think. with some of them it led to doing assessments. I like it when it is one I have already done, and I can press the button saying 'send previous results'. I had about three of them, and one was math functions on a spreadsheet. I was guessing a lot on that one. with others I could figure it out, just give myself enough time. such as ones where it says 'what is the next number?' I have said that looking for jobs should be more like what a stage performer does, having to audition, show off your abilities. so I don't mind doing these, although it still can be tedious at times. I also heard from an advisor, who was doing a check-in as promised once a month. I had to do a recap of the past month, which wasn't flattering at all. I also got an email from an agency asking about submitting my resume for a role, and I was fine with it. but I know well enough to avoid getting my hopes up, as what would happen is this would happen, oh, countless times and then a month or two later, still no word on if the client was interested. I am most impressed by results.
   I did get out an about today. I went to a Walgreen after checking online what locations would most likely have toilet paper. it was one I hadn't been to much before. I arrived and there wasn't any. I did get a 3-pack of bar soap, something I was still in need of. there was postings about social distancing guidelines, in this case there was markings on the floor saying 'stand here in line'. I got a photo of it, and thankful nobody said anything as a cashier saw me do it. I then walked around the area a little before going back to my car. it was near a karaoke venue. not many people out there. this was before midday. then late in the afternoon I went out for a long walk. I picked up some coins, a total value that was slightly less than the previous day. 21 cents today, 36 cents sunday. I went on basically the same route. it all goes into the change bank. I passed by a bank. it said the lobby was closed, and drive-up was available. so using the change counter is likely not possible for a while. not a big deal. my cousin shared an article on facebook with a photo above it being from the movie 'breakfast club'. it was about generations, and some of what was in there was relatable. this included mention of 'latch key kids'.

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