Wednesday, March 11, 2020

zipper repair

I finally decided to take a pair of pants into a laundromat that also does dry cleaning. I called them in advance and found out there was an ownership change. I try to avoid buying new clothes if I can so I am hopeful a zipper repair will do the trick. I didn't wear them for a while because of this, then found a way to get back on track. well it broke again earlier today when I was getting ready for an interview. it was with a bank that I had interviewed with before, in fact in the same building just last week. although this time it is through an agency. I am reminded of how I already had an offer to do test scoring again, but it doesn't start again until the end of the month. then after the laundromat I went to the library to print some things, and filed more applications through indeed.
    I went to perform in the evening, but did not have beer tonight as a bartender snapped at me before I had even ordered anything. it was in reference to them changing the channel on two TVs and they briefly had it on spring training baseball, something I preferred to see. it was way out of line to snap at me but at the same time I didn't want to make matters worse by verbalizing who could and couldn't serve me tonight. some people are cranky and there is no changing them. the fancy comic showed up after the show ended but there were still some people in the showroom so the show runner was fine with him performing. he even asked me to give him a word, I chose 'hey', and then he did a rhyme related to it. when he left the venue I noticed he was driving a late-model Cadillac. another comic is a producer at twin cities live, a local show, and we discussed that for a short time after the show as I like being in the crowd as there are plenty of things they give crowd members. although I also said I haven't attended the show in two years. it is easier to do when I know my work schedule farther in advance and have vacation days to use.

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