Tuesday, March 31, 2020

online census questionnaire

I completed the online questionnaire from the census bureau. I knew I had seen some mailings stating they wanted a response by April 1, and that is coming up. it didn't take long to complete it and I got a long confirmation number. there weren't many questions to answer. I had just completed a survey from the census bureau back in December. I even accepted an offer on working as an 'enumerator' but that is on hold due to the virus. I completed this online form as I wanted to avoid any visits that were not necessary. I don't get many visitors to my home and I am fine with this.
   in the morning I had a phone screen, it was kind of brief. it was for a call center job for a health insurance company. hard to say if I will hear more, but they told me the next interview would be a virtual one. I spent much of the day filing applications with two different banks. I was asked to do an assessment for the call center job, and it was odd that they claimed I 'flunked' it even though I have done call center work before. I also sent follow-up emails to places where I had already interviewed or filed applications. I got a response to both, but not the one I wanted to hear. I also heard from the agency rep in the Carolinas for the first time in nearly a week. I said I was getting calls with no caller ID on them and not answering them, can't be too careful. sounds like he was the one calling. I was getting no voicemail from them either. I responded to his email and text messages. I was told that the ssn is needed to get submitted, I am not big on giving it out. so I did some checking on my end with the agency, two different offices. one local, the other where he is. the local one was aware of who I was working with and directed me there. I left a voicemail with the other one and got a response while I was out doing a long walk late in the afternoon. I picked up 4 cents. I also took a few pictures along the way, such as all of the junk at a bus stop where I found one of the pennies. I was still doing one thing today that I have done fairly often lately- laying down and sleeping when I don't know what else to do while waiting for the phone to ring. when I did this in the afternoon my phone kept having activity so it was harder to rest then.

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