Friday, November 11, 2011

Chris and Rob's

I replaced another lightbulb tonight, going on the 'attrition system' with the old incandescent ones. I replace them with CFL when they burn out. It seems to be the same one, the one by the front door, that I am replacing each time. I guess it does get used more than the others, as it gets turned on first when I get home from work or wherever else I have been.
    Since I was tired after work, I didn't do much else but call a friend and go eat besides the errand running for the lightbulb. I liked finding a place close to where I do my laundry that has Chicago style food. It is called Chris and Rob's, billing itself as Chicago's taste authority. It looks a lot like Mickey's Diner in downtown St. Paul, as both appear to be inside retired railroad cars. Liked seeing all of the pictures on the wall as a reminder of the city, as I still have affinity for an area I once lived in. Most of them were of the sports teams, as expected, since it gives the city plenty of national attention when many Americans love their sports. I had a prime rib sandwich, something I don't have very often.
   Once the errand running was done, I wanted to watch a Charlie Brown special but having limited time before wanting to watch the 10pm news eliminated some options. So I chose 'You're a Good Sport' as it was just under 30 minutes. It of course is the one about motocross, I like how it follows the book fairly close. I had read the book when at the barber shop as a kid, and the barber's name was Charlie Brown so it seemed appropriate to have them there.

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