Saturday, November 5, 2011

Humphrey Memorial

The first part of the day was devoted to errand running, after getting to an event at the state capitol. There was some media there, but it didn't seem to be well organized. Some of the speakers weren't articulate at all. It sounds like they are just getting started with the movement in this area. Since I am not at the capitol grounds much I decided to look around quite a bit. I liked seeing the Lindbergh Memorial, then thought to myself how there wasn't one for Hubert Humphrey. It was odd to have thought this, since the next thing I saw was a Humphrey memorial in progress. So it will be there before long, plans are to have it completed next spring according to the sign in front of it. Looks like the main thing left to do is have the statue added. There is already a Humphrey statue in Minneapolis, where he was mayor. I did get a picture of it after a football game at the Metrodome my first year here, in 2004. Some students asked why I wanted a picture of 'this guy', not even knowing who it was.
   After this I went to Maplewood to pick up some potting soil at a lawn and garden shop, since this time of year it's considered to be 'out of season' and the big box stores won't have it. On to Macy's, where I used up a gift card, owed just 35 cents after using it to get some discounted boxers. Tried to follow the Iowa-Michigan football game online while checking email, but streaming a game doesn't work well compared to radio or TV. There's some down time and streaming doesn't fill in the gaps well, so it means plenty of waiting. I made it over to Minneapolis to get a small Godfather's Pizza at a convenience store/truck stop, I like that pizza. It was after getting pictures of a Charlie Brown, and Lucy, statue in front of the Star Tribune building. I had hoped to find out about more, but the doors were locked so for now it's just those two. Back to St. Paul for 2 statue pictures on Grand Avenue, parked in the lot at the former Blockbuster Video store.
Finally there was getting groceries, 2-for-1 Dairy Queen Blizzards since I had a coupon, and laundry. Once again I was using a slightly more expensive machine as the others were taken. Found out why I don't like them, unable to add something after the machine turns on. I forgot to add 3 pairs of dress pants after pre-treating them withe soap where needed. So it meant taking them home and soaking them in a mop bucket.

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