Saturday, June 8, 2013

Tom Vilsack, Former Governor of Iowa

   I do have some odd items in my collection. One of them is a postcard inviting me to an event where then-Iowa governor Tom Vilsack was having a reception about jobs in the state, from 2004. It was nice meeting the governor then, at the Depot in Minneapolis, so named as the hotel used to be a railroad depot for the Milwaukee Road and still has the clock tower from it.
    In other issues, I had a dream that I met the current governor, Terry Branstad, while doing a tour of the Capitol and he asked me to complete a survey. I am sure the governor has more important things to do than this!
   I like to analyze my own dreams, and I think I likely had this on my mind as I was on my way to Iowa for the weekend. I went to Des Moines to see an Iowa Cub baseball game with my dad. Before I made it to Des Moines I stopped in my hometown of Newton. It was just after 1pm when I arrived so the first thing I did was eat at the Maid-Rite. For those who are not familiar with this eatery it is a diner that serves loose-meat sandwiches. I had a Cheese-Rite. After this I went to Brown's Shoe Fit as they were having a liquidation sale. I had read about this in advance online. I looked at the winter boots and shoes and said they were too expensive, but I have a need for socks as well. So I bought two pairs of socks, I think they are wool so I don't have those kind too often. On to the Dairy Queen to have a Blizzard treat. Then to an antique mall on the town square in a former JC Penney store. I made some nice finds there as usual. This time it was two Maytag books and a 1982 World's Fair postcard, of course that year it was in Knoxville, Tennessee. One of the books was a laundry encyclopedia, second edition. I already had the third and fifth. The other book was called 'Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow'. It covered the company's history at the close of World War II. I knew both were rare, didn't see them much on E-bay. With the World's Fair postcard I now have 13 from 6 different fairs, and I like the variety.
  As expected, I took pictures everywhere I went. This included Emerson Hough School and the former Rock Island railroad depot. My last stop before leaving town was Maytag Park to find the log cabin. There was a birthday party in progress, saw some balloons and a cake inside the cabin. But most of the partygoers were oblivious to me. This is the way I preferred it. Though I did announce myself to a few, saying I was just there for pictures as I was interested in the history. It was called the Kiwanis Cabin, after the organization that donated it to the park. Two different signs inside mentioned the donation, one said Maytag Park and the other said the Jasper County Fairgrounds, as it was the fairgrounds first. I had meant to find it in a previous visit but ran out of time.
   In Des Moines it was raining a little when I found my dad at the hotel near I-35/80. I said I wanted to see the Lincoln and Tad statue at the State Capitol so we did. I liked seeing all of the monuments there, as expected many of them were war memorials. I also liked finding the one from a Japanese city that was given after relief from a typhoon. It was one I had read about in my mom and dad's World Book encyclopedias as youngster. It did help to print the picture from the article that mentioned my 8th grade history teacher helped with the fundraising on the Lincoln statue. It was always in the back of my mind about what was there as Dad would often say that was the Soldiers and Sailors Monument off in the distance while at Iowa Cub games.
   At the Iowa Cub game I am thankful they got the game in. At first I wasn't sure since there had been plenty of rain, and even some during the game. The Cubs beat Round Rock 5-4, the Rangers affiliate. I bought a program and scorecard as usual, and after the game I got a pennant. The Cubs had an early lead due to a 2-run home run.
   Back at the hotel after the game I was unsure if we got good neighbors as they were outside for a while having some drinks and talking. But I don't see my dad much so I talked with him for a while, and I think their party was done first.

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