Saturday, August 10, 2013

Follow Your Heart, Brett Dennen

   I just came back from the CVS across the street to get some postcards, cashews, and some Snapple. I liked a song I heard while there. Found out it was 'Follow your heart' by Brett Dennen. 'Follow your heart and you won't get lost'. I think I've been doing this more than I was earlier in my life. It tells a nice story about having been through many trials in life. What I like is that it still offers a way out of any hardships, as it does offer a solution that was likely acquired due to the experience gained.
   I like how music is everywhere, including and especially cities like Chicago. I passed by a place called 'The bar below' on State Street tonight after I had eaten at the Panda Garden. There was a sign out front that mentioned having comedy shows, but it was the music that I noticed first. It started with a version of Radiohead's 'Creep' and then continued with 'Welcome to paradise' by Green Day. Really all I did was walk around downtown and soaking up all of the atmosphere, all of the activity. 
    It was a turbulent day at the writer's convention, to say the least. There was plenty of debate on some of the resolutions put before the plenary session. I was recognized during the debate on one of these, and I suggested an amendment be added. Others moved and seconded it, so I can't take much credit for it. This later became a moot point, however, as the resolution was voted down. I asked my colleague to my left if I had opened up a can of worms, but he said it was already open and I think he was right. Due to the debating on what was described as controversial issues, it meant some things were not covered today and were moved back a day. We did get to some other issues, like strategic planning. The group I was in decided to look at our website to see what works and what doesn't. There were many things we suggested that would improve it, based on what is common on other sites I've used. For lack of a better term, we want to make it more user-friendly, in hopes of attracting more members to our organization. Nothing wrong with this at all.    

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