Saturday, August 17, 2013

Search For Beer After The Game

    It was hard to find a place selling beer after the baseball game this evening, eventually we went to a Super-America and they had some Miller in a quart bottle. Four others were closed for the night or didn't have it, and we had to get to SA before midnight.
    I went to the Twins baseball game with my dad tonight, they lost to the White Sox 8-5. We did take the light rail from Fort Snelling so we didn't have to drive in and pay for parking. We liked meeting some people on the train after the game, one of them was somebody that recognized me from the comedy clubs. He said he was a camera operator at the game. Another said she had been an intern with the other area team, the St. Paul Saints. Now she works for the company that owns Play It Again Sports. Our seats at the game were in the home run porch in left field, we were near the top of the seating.
   It was a fairly active day, but I preferred it this way. I needed to pick up some supplies at Walgreen, so we went there before seeing things like what is downtown. We found the farmers market, which was near the site of the future Saints baseball stadium. The demolition of the shampoo factory is still ongoing. There was somebody who apparently had suffered a seizure at the farmers market. It looked like they were  being attended to, as somebody was trying to flag down a cop. Nearby was the Union Depot, as expected my dad liked seeing it as he likes railroads. There was a display in a case of various artifacts, I liked it and it appeared to be a new thing. I was over on my time at the parking meter, but no ticket so this was a lucky break. After lunch at Burger King it was off to the Jackson Street Roundhouse and did the excursion ride on the caboose which was by the roundhouse. I did get some souvenirs, some postcards and a button of the Great Northern railroad logo- blue and white, with a mountain goat.       

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