Saturday, August 24, 2013

West of Memphis Documentary

    I got a movie from Redbox tonight, 'West of Memphis'. At times it made me angry to know about all of the mistakes on the case, as I hate to hear about anyone who is wrongfully convicted. It was nice to hear about the famous people involved with freeing them, like Pearl Jam front-man Eddie Vedder. I liked what Henry Rollins, from Black Flag, said as to why he supported them as well. When it was mentioned what made them suspects- like being misfits and loners- he said it could easily describe him as well. I think there are many who say 'It could have been me' and I can say this as well. This is why I found the Social Distortion song, with this title, on Youtube.
   It also made me think of others who were convicted in 'the court of public opinion' even though they were innocent. People like Richard Jewell, after the Atlanta Olympic bombing, and the Duke lacrosse case. I recall when Mr. Jewell died he was still known for that event, even though he had been exonerated. It then reminded me of the feature on '60 Minutes', when the accused in the Duke case were interviewed. One of them said when he dies he will likely still be known for this, sadly. There was mention of The Innocence Project in this documentary, which helps to free the wrongfully convicted.  I think that DNA evidence helps to cut down on innocents being convicted, but of course for some it is too late. One must do what they can, though.
   I liked how I got plenty of errand running done today, like taking change to be counted and deposited at the bank. Then there was printing things at the library. In the evening I did make it to the Godfather's Pizza in Burnsville to have a free pizza as I had enough points on my loyalty card. It was 10 slices, so I did end up taking more than half of it home with me. This is fine, as it's three more meals for me. I even went to a Goodwill store and found the 'Nickel and Dimed' book. This will have more meaning to read now since I recently saw it as a play. I even saw some of the Fox Game of the Week, Red Sox-Dodgers from L.A., but I was tired and missed some of it due to falling asleep.    

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