Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Charlie Brown Flash Mob

      This evening I still watched some of 'The Fly Show' as one of the teasers was about a Charlie Brown flash mob in New York City, acting out the Christmas special. It was a nice touch, having somebody play piano as well as string bass, then somebody showed up in a Snoopy costume. After the first half I switched over to 'Yule Log' on Channel 45. I like hearing all of the music on it, though I just shut it off as I was about to hear 'Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer' again. I could tell some of the songs were repeated, and I didn't even watch much of it at a time. I did like hearing some Johnny Cash songs of course.
  It was kind of nice to stay in today and have very little to do. I watched two DVDs, first was 'Christmas Vacation'. With any movie one can notice things about it the more they watch it. I recall seeing it at the theater. When I was going through my list of movies to see if there were any other holiday movies I hadn't seen lately I ran across one I hadn't recalled seeing since buying it. This was 'My Sassy Girl', based on a Korean movie. It didn't take long where I was getting annoyed with it, which isn't good. The girl kept driving the guy crazy, and he still stays with her for a while. Then at the end she states why she did all of this. Since I didn't enjoy this movie much, I destroyed the disc and found another disc to put into the case. Thankfully this is rare where I didn't like a movie I had bought. This is why I prefer to rent them or get them on loan from the library, in case I didn't like them. It tends to be cheaper than owning and then I don't need to find storage space either.
   After this I watched two editions of 'Jeopardy' back to back. I like to watch it when I have a day off. In fact I didn't go outside until evening, as I wanted to take a walk around the neighborhood and I
needed the exercise. I wanted to check to see what businesses were open, not many as expected. A few restaurants, a bar, a convenience store/gas station, and an animal hospital. I also saw two cop cars- parking enforcement- as the snow ordinance will be going into effect tonight. This means there was enough snow last night to declare a 'Snow Emergency'. It worked well on getting to the grocery store yesterday so I didn't have to go to a convenience store for meals. I had a Michelina's chicken and pasta meal at midday, then a small frozen pizza in the evening.  

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