Monday, January 20, 2014

Camp David In Maryland

     I had the day off from work due to the holiday so I watched quiz shows like 'Who Wants to be a Millionaire' and 'Jeopardy'. The 'Final Jeopardy' clue was one I didn't know and it stumped all three contestants, the answer was Camp David. It was about something that started in Maryland in the 1930s as a way of claiming the mountains. In one of my favorite movies, 'Rain Man', there is a clip from the game show 'Sale of the Century' where one of the questions was about Camp David. It was in reference to the name origin, and it was named after a relative of President Eisenhower. Other places I made it to were McDonald's, to return the movie, and to get copies at Fed-ex Office. I did say hi to who I know there, and how I was unsuccessful for whatever reason on sending a Facebook friend request to his comedian friend in California. I said I would try again today since I still have the business card and I did, so I will wait to hear more about the friend request. Also got my car worked on, needed to replace a headlight that had burned out.
   I made it to the comedy club tonight, the 'Extra murder' comic was near the end of the show and did do the 'Nike jump rope' as well as 'First world problem' jokes. The show closer was somebody I didn't know, but was introduced as somebody who was originally from the area. He had a joke about having a plane ride in first class with actress Liv Tyler, who recognized a smell as cookies. The 'Bathtub comic' did one about his day job at a bookstore, and how he would get a pin soon for 15 years of service.

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