Saturday, January 18, 2014

Heart Of Gold, Neil Young

     Today was about getting plenty of errand running and chores done. This did include some fun things though, like going to Dairy Queen and using my 2-for-1 Blizzard coupon. While I was there eating one of them I heard the song 'Heart of Gold' by Neil Young. I liked how I recognized it rather quickly, but usually I do. I had to listen to it again when I got home, and found it on Youtube. I really like the harmonica interludes in it, probably since I have a harmonica myself. And I like the overall theme of looking for a heart of gold, as in many ways we are all looking for this. I know Neil Young as somebody who 'Sponsored' the band Pearl Jam, one of my favorite bands, so there's another reason to like his music.
     Another patron eventually heard it as well. I said I might get confused with the 'Rain Man' as there was the scene in the movie where he was able to guess songs, as to where they were on the jukebox. This visit was no different, I eat one of the Blizzards there and get a cover for the other so I can take it home and eat it the next day.
   One of my stops was to Walgreen for sheet protectors. This was fairly necessary since the order from the Postal Service recently arrived and there were some first day covers in it. I wanted to preserve some online articles as well, and it meant getting another item about the St. Paul Saints baseball stadium into the binder. I am thankful I have kept whatever I can find about this stadium in Lower-town that is currently under construction. Some of it is probably considered to be propaganda from the team itself, but others would be from the stadium's official website giving updates about it.
   I just watched 'Storm Stories' on WCCO and the featured story was about the tornado at the scout camp in western Iowa in June 2008. I do recall this story as it received mention at the College World Series in Omaha, which is nearby and was later that month. This was during the time when I went to the opener of this event for six straight years, from 2005-2010. It would be nice to go back this year, but it is too soon to think about it when it is still months away. I liked watching the 6pm news as well, since there was a feature about the 80th anniversary of the Ma Barker gang kidnapping of the Schmidt Beer heir in 1934. It did go through what St. Paul was like during that era, how it was a haven for gangsters on the run. The way it was described  was 'We don't care what you do as long as you do it outside St. Paul'. I had seen a play at the History Theater about this gang. At the time I mainly heard about their first high-profile kidnapping, of the Hamm's Beer heir. There was also mention of the Prohibition era exhibit currently at the Minnesota History Center, it is there through March so I still have time to get there.
    I like how I accomplished plenty today, as it means there's not much left on my list for the next day. I have laundry to do, and this can be done early, before midday. Then I could watch much of the football playoff games, the first one is mid-afternoon. Getting back to the fitness center would be a good idea.

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