Sunday, March 23, 2014

Baggage Claim Movie

    Today I wanted to watch a Redbox movie. The McDonald's in my neighborhood has a Redbox kiosk, but they didn't have the movie I wanted, 'Thanks for sharing'. Pink the singer is in it. So I got 'Baggage Claim' instead. I like traveling so the premise worked for me, about a flight attendant trying to find a mate in a month, before her younger sister gets married. It was silly in many areas, but I liked it. Many of the characters seemed to be familiar, with personalities like people I have known before. There is the overbearing mom, along with the friends at work that often try to give you advice which doesn't necessarily work for you- the same advice that may or may not work for themselves. I did get the joke about how the 'Mr. Right' for the flight attendant was named 'Mr. Wright'. It was also funny about how her colleagues at the airport were willing to help in her search for finding a mate, like stalling the man at the airport until she got there. Or getting her through security quickly. The line I really liked was from her neighbor, who said 'It isn't just getting married but staying married'. If I want 'Sharing', the other movie, I know I can search online for the nearby location that has it. I am willing to drive a little to find a movie I want.   
     I stayed in for a while this morning, first listening to a friend's radio show. The subjects covered included an Old Testament God, Tim Tebow, World War 2 re-enactors, divorce laws, Westboro Baptist Church, and the Get Shot! music video filmed near the church. I called in as the host requested it, expecting me to know a Bible verse. I was online at the time, ordering another friend's comedy CD at Amazon dot-com. So I found one in my online search that was close enough in my opinion, 1 Timothy 4:12, about setting an example.
    I did watch some of the college basketball tournament, Stanford beat Kansas. I also tried to watch Iowa State against North Carolina, but fell asleep before it ended. I later found out Iowa State won. I made it over to the dollar store and got a can opener, and some batteries for my portable CD player. Then after making it to the fitness center for about 15 minutes I was home again for the rest of the night. After watching 'The Simpsons', about the family acquiring a fake painting, I watched the Redbox movie and then called my dad. He had sent me an Iowa Cubs pocket schedule and we are trying to figure out what game to attend this year.   

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