Monday, March 10, 2014

Puddles Everywhere

    The thaw has finally happened. Snow is melting and puddles are everywhere. So it is harder to negotiate the sidewalks but I have the proper footwear, still using the winter boots for walking to and from the bus.
    I was tired in the afternoon, so I really had to push myself to do the 11 letters waiting. I completed 10, another has to wait since I need to re-do it, small omission in the address. When I had the time I looked up what I could find online about buildings designed by Frank Lloyd Wright in Mason City, Iowa. I saw the road sign for the tour this weekend, now I am trying to figure out the logistics. The one tour on the sign is of a house, a separate tour is of a hotel he designed.
   I did go to the comedy club tonight, but left early as there still were some things to get caught up on from over the weekend. One of these was send a thank-you message to the classmate who sent the basketball game tickets. Another was getting more groceries to make it through the week. I arrived about 10 minutes before the grocery store closed for the night. Also notable was how two more birthday cards arrived.
      At the comedy club, the Wisconsin couple was the leadoff act of the night. They did their gymnastic act and some 'Knock Knock' jokes about the Winter Olympic Games. The school bouncer comic followed them and started off by saying they were a tough act to follow. The Yemen native did the one about teaching Arabic to a classmate. I said before the show how I like this one. The 'Bathtub comic' did one about his wife's pet rat. The 'Tetris comic' did one about his outfits, and being average looking. The 'Extra murder' comic did one about his longtime friend being in charge of a fire department.   

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