Thursday, March 27, 2014

Charleston River Dogs

     I tried again to order a book and was unsuccessful. This time I tried the local baseball team, the St. Paul Saints, as I wanted 'Fun is good' by Mike Veeck and he runs the team. When I called I was told they would contact another team under the same ownership group, the Charleston River Dogs in South Carolina. But I found out with the shipping fee through UPS that it would be even more than with Barnes and Noble. So I had to say no. But I did let them know I saw a game there in April 2010 when I was touring the Carolinas. It was an extra inning game against the Braves affiliate. He did start off by saying his name was Mike, but it wasn't Mike Veeck. I said I expected Mr. Veeck to be a busy man.
    I watched one episode of 'Big Bang Theory' tonight, it was a syndicated rerun as of course the college basketball tournament was on again so no prime time episode. It was the one where Howard's mom was in the hospital, and Howard thinks it's because he announced how we plans to marry Bernadette. I still like what the physician said: and I quote, she'd like to talk to the little Catholic girl first. Then he writes a prescription for Howard, knowing he's Jewish and figures he had anxiety about bringing a Catholic girl home to his mom.
    Florida, Dayton, Arizona, and Wisconsin won in the tournament. I paid most attention to Dayton vs. Stanford, and the second game from the South Regional in Memphis was also shown on CBS, Florida vs. UCLA. I did my best to get caught up on paperwork and emails. I liked seeing something
in an email from The Loft how there is a chance to have a writing as part of an exhibit at the Minneapolis Institute of Arts. Now it means looking into it further to see what the standards are and get something submitted by the deadline next month.
   Most notable thing in the mail today was an Amazon order arriving, it was a friend's comedy CD. Actually it is two discs, the other is a DVD. Now I need to find the time to listen and watch them. This comic doesn't have a nickname yet, but he is in The Turkeys and I know most of the performers in that troupe. After basketball I liked seeing a feature on the WCCO late news about fish fries in Minnesota during Lent. I am trying to get to one this Friday.

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