Friday, May 22, 2015

Baseball Exhibit, Landmark Center

    During my lunch I decided to get over to the Landmark Center and see the baseball exhibit, it is closing soon- in about two weeks. I saw the lion's share of it and can go back soon to finish looking at the rest of it.
     At the comedy club tonight, Blind Side did ones about a weathergirl, Bemidji and Saginaw, and being adopted. Others were about Ancestry dot-com in foreplay, hills have eyes, and Carlton from Fresh Prince. Tetris did ones about a miracle, over-optimistic doctors, apologize for apologizing, and time travel- kill the previous me. He was brought on the stage by a Nicki Minaj song, I think it was the one about who she did or didn't have sex with. Long straw did ones about internet ads, social anxiety, a graduation fedora, he is from Beloit, Hormel chili can, and Sudafed bullets and moonshine. The shorter one of the brothers performed. He did ones about triple X treasure, surprise birthday party, a thousand words, fight with a midget, and TP a house. Fantasia did crowd rap. Others were about not good at job interviews, girls like jerks, and whip batteries. Tortoise did ones about a third mic stand, fedora the explorer, a skateboard on it, girls texting, Homer Simpson scarface shirt, box of Life cereal, video games ice cream and TV in room, Robin Williams doing an impression of Santa, and Matthew McConaughey. Postage stamp did ones about smoke alarm add the pasta, a food morgue, measuring system, teaspoon, KFC secrets, superheroes next step of evolution, turning 30, Buddha enlightenment, and Toy Story.
    And there were more. Sub teacher was wearing a buffalo nickel shirt. He did ones about being with his dad at the mall, homeless defensive coordinator, requires new polos, photos from his lady, depression train going, you're a moron (I got a shout-out for laughing at it), gas station pizza, ready when time is right, and starting a push mower. Perkins did ones about a young Orville Redenbacher, bought bike from Craigslist, got cameras everywhere, hipster pirates, Mom as insult comic, 5 new minutes a day, Nazi elbows, log intro Netflix, and I'm still sad. Duffel bag did ones about internet dating, body types, female bodies are to look edible, and shopping for insurance. The university accountant did ones about Mom shops at Savers, robes and socks, Katie Couric crying, and Michelle Obama guilty pleasure. Happy meal did ones about a mustache, ticket in a roundabout, fast food like
cheating, coupon books, I just want a chicken sandwich, and Wendy's then Taco Bell. Mr. Pibb did ones about game same board switching, used to drink a lot, throwing up in a bucket, tipping over a Monopoly board, not a hero, Sons of Anarchy belt, hid and waited until class ended, finally it was
Woody Allen.

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