Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Moose Country, Lilydale

    After the comedy show tonight some friends decided to go to Moose Country in Lilydale. It was my first time there. I liked having some chili, better than most I have eaten as some tortilla chips and
sausage discs were in it. I got some photos besides the food, also of the big moose inside. Magic Man and Kentucky were there, hadn't seen either all that much lately. I watched many of the music videos on the monitors, Another was 'So hard to handle' by the Black Crowes.
   At the comedy club, Mr. Pibb did ones about Rihanna, yeast popcorn, throw sand, and Barnes and Noble eye lasers. Blind Side did ones about being adopted, dic-pics to win a bet, and hills have eyes. Software Developer did ones about customized plates, adopted a kid from China, and tequila and a compliment. University accountant did ones about 9 bloody marys, 36 best things ever, Flavor Flav, monopoly risk and bingo, drug-free zones, when to drink water, class reunion, senior pictures, and girl with large arms. Wisconsin guy did ones about Larry Flynt magazines, wife's birthday, a day at the spa, dead sea cow at picnic, how to build a deck, bikini malfunctions, flying to Las Vegas, and gourmet strawberry jam. Wisconsin girl did ones about it's spring we are going to live, let out a wow, being grandma hope and wait, antiques roadshow, Chinese buyers, write down confirmation number, fried pig butts, and NPR and BBC. Magic Man did ones about pay people if there is a problem, HR manager at college paper, not ROTC, Afghanistan, and end the A and E department. Godmother did ones about thyroid appointment, medical students, the St. Thomas dream, house hunters, yoga at church, spin the allergy wheel, fighter pilot look, and donkey punch. Wee bit did ones about rap eye contact, depends on type of commitment, Chucky Cheese tickets, Great Clips and SA date, and perform for a non-profit. Kentucky did ones about humane society for people, text message- who are Habsburgs?, oil funnel, car fire, telling people to go away, and cop car door doesn't work. Louisiana did ones about running out of meds, Best Buy loyalty program, saw therapist was in jail, not a swift process, harmonica and a bunk, weird but still on board, feminist bloggers, cutting down Steve, you will be a chair, snakes in Everglades, butterfly kisses, let me call the shots toaster, and sing 'no worries'. The ending song had the following lyrics: what you got cooking in the pot, Mary Mary how does your garden grow?    
   At work we did the Wii dancing as walking instead, through the skyway as it looked really windy outside. A big part of the walk was going through some parts of the skyway I don't see very often.  

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