Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Liquor Store Shopping Cart

    Tonight on Facebook another comic, Ragu, spoke of being sad but not to the level of filling a liquor store shopping cart. Then I said there are also hand-held baskets at these stores, and Bus fare said I had a point. When I went to the comedy club tonight, I did this as one of my jokes. I also did ones about observations while attending three baseball games over the weekend. At work I was busy with the payoff report for a while, no surprise when it was the day after a holiday.
   I think about music often, since it is everywhere. While watching the six o'clock news on WCCO during the sports segment from the Twins locker room I heard 'The sign' by Ace of Base. After the comedy show ended, I liked hearing at the venue 'Landslide', the Smashing Pumpkins version. I had to stay until the song was done, and covered one ear to hear it better. I am still wearing a Band-Aid on my hand from a paper cut at the office, I get them all the time and it is annoying.
   Also at the comedy club, International Falls did ones about Facebook friend dumped, pedal pub incident, internet dating, poem to lonely dad, gave up casual sex, caress hair in porta pottie, a visit to Dinky-town, coffee grounds, and art- car on fire, and bathtub full of blood. Magic Man did ones about make my wife disappear, synergy and energy, and HR at Minnesota Daily. A newer comic with two first names did ones about Starbucks, blood diamonds, mascara on beard, and farmers meet dot-com. Fish noodle did ones about squirt don't hurt, Rochester high school prom lock-in, favorite swear word, raised hand instead of clapping, moon facts, Lorne Michaels, own the moon, ride the bus, and learned a lesson. Chalm Skinn did ones about walking a cat, Karaoke, people take it seriously, and the Beastie Boys. A comic I will call 'note paper', since he gave me some, did ones about invented cheapest sandwich, tortillas instead of bread, I want a garage, hobbies, and his Twitter followers. Nebraska did ones about the venue's décor, his lady can't cook, easy bake oven, jobs on Craigslist, The first three-some, Stevie Wonder has another kid, and take shoes off. Blind Side did ones about his lady offered a job in Tennessee, people are like puppies, not a cool dad, and like directing porn.    

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