Monday, May 25, 2015

Bossman's Comedy Party

   The boss-man had a party for comedians today at his house. There was also a softball game, but the Twins baseball game started at the same time so I went to the Twins game instead. I arrived at his home around 5pm, a part of Minneapolis I hadn't seen much of before, St. Anthony. It helped that many of the street names were named after presidents, and I know the order real well. I found the park where the softball game was held first, as expected it was over by then. I knew from Mapquest directions that the park and the home were about a mile apart so I figured if I could find one then I could find the other. I got a picture of the welcome sign at the park and then I left. After the Twins game I stopped at the 'Beehive' gas station and at first I was hassled by a clerk saying the five dollar bill I wanted to use to pay for some batteries for my camera may not be legal tender as he couldn't see a watermark. Well I could see it! He did accept it though, I am wondering if he was just having fun with me.
     I brought some cheese flavored popcorn, about half was eaten and I will take the rest to the office as I know it will be eaten there. I have just two photos from the event, one was of the food table and the other was of Mason City with his dog. The bossman and his wife have two young sons, one of them was on a kind of scooter much of the time there. At one point I said 'Be careful' as he had a cookie in his hand and I didn't want him to drop it. He offered it to me and I said 'That is for you, you eat it'. His dad said something about sharing. I am not around kids much but I know the best game plan is to be polite and have some patience, more so than with adults. I did say 'You will be all right' at one point when I was waiting for one of them to go down the stairs as I recall this from an Eddie Griffin movie where he said this to a high school student he was mentoring. I would have liked having this encouragement and reassurance when I was young, so I try to give this to kids.
   I think I saw more of my comic friends here than at some of the non-comedy show events I have attended like weddings. Some left shortly after I arrived, others arrived after I did. I will try to remember as many as possible that I at least saw and probably spoke with. Many are in my 'Ring of honor' or written about in this forum. I saw Chalm-Skinn, Woody, Fish noodle, Long straw, Duffel bag, the aforementioned Mason City, the Wisconsin couple, International Falls, Bathtub and his lady, Michigan, Stillwater and his lady, Sub teacher, Big Dog, Brawler, Oklahoma and his lady, Morton Salt and his lady, Mr. Pibb, the one I call 'Red' because of her hair, Kentucky and his lady, Belarus, and the lady of Pottery Barn, who I think was the first to greet me upon arrival. The recent add to my 'Ring of honor', who I think I will call 'Senior leader' as he has a name close to mine at the office, was also there. He was asking if he had a nickname and I said he probably didn't since I hadn't seen him in a while.
     As expected, Oklahoma did talk some about the Twins game I attended as he likes baseball a lot much like I do. He said it was a good one to attend, as the Twins beat Boston 7-2. The Twins were up 7-0 after 2 innings, striking early helped. I told Big Dog as he was leaving, not long after I arrived, that I went because it keeps the memory alive of my favorite movie, 'Good will hunting'. Then he quoted the 'It's not your fault' scene and I said 'Does this mean we are hugging?' as this is how the scene ends. I said a different scene is why it changed my life, motivating me to leave my native Iowa for suburban Chicago. It is the one where Will is talking to Chuckie, who said 'I will kill you' if you are still doing construction in 20 years since you are sitting on a winning lottery ticket. I figured I needed to move on from my job, temping for the state government in Iowa, before I got the same speech. Naturally it was nice to hear Mason City talk about music some, and it does remind me of another house party from last summer, hosted by the late Bill Young. He asked to be called Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, but I like 'Mason City' more. I take care of Bathtub and his lady as they are very nice to me so they got greetings early on. It was also nice to see the Wisconsin couple. The husband was wearing an Oakland A's jersey, number 51. The wife found me while I was saying bye to Big Dog. She said me and her were opponents in a cage match, 'Hypothetical fights' where it was said I would win because of all the blog nicknames I created. I was flattered to hear of such a thing, but said I think of it as my circle of friends so I couldn't even give myself permission to 'Roast' friends for a while. Brawler had a Sesame Street shirt on, a good joke as it said 'I was raised on the street'. I liked hearing Bossman tell a story about a canceled driver license, he has already said 'That ship has sailed' on his performing comedy. He is still good at holding court so I told myself I must be content with hearing whatever stories he is telling us. Plenty of food there, I had two of the deviled eggs and one of the long hot dogs. I didn't have any beer as I usually just have it at the clubs, I had a root beer instead. I liked hearing more from Stillwater about his 'Ring of honor' song in the works. It sounds like I will be available to attend the award ceremony next month, where the plans are for it being performed there. It is a Sunday evening, and I wasn't sure if I would be out of town then but I won't be. As usual I enjoyed people telling their stories, like where they were from as I don't necessarily have the chance to hear them at the clubs.  

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