Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Schedule Adherence

   There was an all employee meeting, at least for my department, this morning. It was about schedule adherence. I don't think these new policies, or just plain enforcing the existing ones more, will affect me much. Many of the concerns were about things like being available for family. I am unmarried and have no kids, and I take the bus to work, and it is just a 20-minute ride. The policies are mainly about being on time in the morning. I am thankful it did not run the entire 60-minute allotment as I really wanted to get back to my normal duties. Since I left early Monday we were behind on the settled letters. I did 28 of them, the lion's share. We got sandwiches from Erbert Gerbert. I got the roast beef and ham, called Comet Candy if I am not mistaken. It was another 30 minute lunch as I was flexing to make up some time.
    I performed at the comedy club tonight. I was third, or actually second after the MC, who was the radio personality. I did one about a dollar bill on the wall at work, something I had just seen earlier today. Many of the others were the same as what I did last night, like the smashed penny souvenir. I had to wait until after the show to get caught up on emails. I was the only bidder for two items, a Soldier Field Pan-Am Games postcard and a first-day cover. I got smarter with the Delcampe order to see it that will be sent to be PO box, checking it over closely before completing the transaction. It defaults on the E-bay system, so not the same issue there.  
   Also at the comedy club, Radio personality did ones about houseguests, pilgrim with pigment, a Rain Man reference, apple orchard, corn maze, kooky garage sale mom, get a puppet, cargo pants, enjoy your rock lawn, sunflower seeds, scrap booking, stamp collecting, stealing cats, and those kind of brownies. Whopper did ones about I'm real on cover letters, proof on social media, physical fitness, taxi cab, phone book, and confessions. Long Straw did ones about dressing philosophy, Gap v-neck, who let the dogs out, Baja Men, what garbage we prefer, how to not wear a fedora, Catholic singles, and childhood insult. Turtle Check did ones about ready to go, doing pushups, torn pants, charcoal burn, a fight witness, a beard, Home Depot, and Paul Walker tattoo. Twin Peaks did ones about Grandma called me a hipster, she watches Twin Peaks on VHS, knit sweaters for cats, dyslexia and diarrhea, pity sex, and who has watched Usual Suspects? Morton Salt did ones about roommate on Craigslist, Genghis Khan, seagull with broken leg, serenity prayer, and Foreigner songs. Mr. Pibb did ones about Urban Outfitters book, cop in trunk, clowns and commitment, his lady fears June bugs, Rihanna, obladi-oblada, Game of Thrones sword, MOA and Southdale, spoon and cherry, Orange Julius, Anakin and C3PO, Woody Allen, dated a twin, yeast popcorn, throwing sand, hopscotch, New Yorker cartoon, is this your cat?, IUD poking, and Dad kisses.

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