Monday, January 16, 2017

royal tenenbaums movie

saw the movie 'royal tenenbaums' movie on DVD today, on loan from the library. liked it more than I thought I would. I knew it was about a dysfunctional family, and I came from one, so in wasn't sure if I would like it. but it was funny enough. it helps that it had good actors all around, including and especially Gene Hackman. But I also liked how it had something in common with another fractured family movie I liked, 'running with scissors'. two actors, Gwyneth Paltrow and alec Baldwin, are in both. although Alec is just a narrator in 'tenenbaums'. does it send a message in some way? probably. I liked when Royal, played by Gene Hackman, had fun with his grandkids after their dad, played by Ben Stiller, wanted to make them live a sheltered life. the Wilsons, Luke and Owen, were also prominent members of the cast. really liked the music in it, as a Charlie Brown fan I recognized the song from Charlie Brown Christmas in it. there also was a version of 'Hey Jude', originally done by the Beatles. there was something by Paul Simon, Elliott Smith, and Bob Dylan as well, as I recall.
   I did some cleanup around my home, and I did venture out in the afternoon on this day off from work, a holiday, to do some shopping. I went to Target and JC Penney, both in Roseville. I had a gift card to use at the latter, and got some jeans. now there is four cents left on the card. at the former I got some toothpaste and two DVDs.
    I did go perform as well, though it was kind of treacherous due to the freezing rain. I did ones about date 2, hash house, an elle king song, lady ghostbusters movie, a beastie boys song, a spill due to the freezing rain, found notes in crayon, and a happy new year wish.


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