Saturday, November 18, 2017

a girl's best friend

tonight I went to another 'final event' at wild tymes in st. paul, the final burlesque show. notable to me was the musical number 'diamonds are a girl's best friend'. I know the MC spoke of getting her drag queen name from Marilyn Monroe, who did the song in the movie 'gentlemen prefer blondes'. but like many others, I am more familiar with the parody, or 'mimicry', of it in a Madonna music video, 'material girl'. I liked seeing the Melissa joan hart look-alike performing again, it was the first time at this show in a while. and I liked seeing a co-producer doing a TV show theme song medley. it was the first time in a while, nearly 2 years was what was said after it was completed. the shows were fantasy island, jeffersons, batman (1960s version), Laverne and Shirley, star trek, road runner, Charles in charge, dream of Jeannie, brady bunch, andy Griffith, and twilight zone. the final act was by the same one who did the TV medley, and it was 'bohemian rhapsody'.
   I sent out some more applications, 20 in all, so 2 more than the previous day. I got an email about one of them, figuring it was a rejection letter. but it was an offer for an interview, so I am thrilled to hear it. still need to figure out what time works for it, but I said my schedule is open.

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