Monday, November 6, 2017

dotting the 'I'

the second 'simpsons' episode on tonight had plenty to do with ohio state university. it started with mention of how principal skinner got an acceptance letter to the school, as he wanted to dot the 'i' as part of the marching band, in the word 'ohio'. I will have to ask my 'ohio friend' if she has seen the episode. there was also a joke about expanding the big ten conference.
   my car got the day off, I didn't really go anywhere today. there was plenty that I found to do at home. it meant getting more comedy souvenirs into sheet protectors and binders, and of course doing the dishes. although I should be starting another binder by now, the fourth. the third was started at the end of October last year, a page about acting at a haunted house was the first item. also got the pack of 100 baseball cards into a separate set of binders. thankfully there weren't many duplicate cards, less than five. I also checked some online auction listings. the inspection of the equipment is in a few days, just a day before the bidding ends. there are more than 400 listings, but just 12 are of interest to me at all. this is for various reasons, such as the size of the items and how much I think I can use them. most items have no bids yet, but I am the type that likes 'the path of least resistance', where it is easier to bid on what hasn't been bid on yet. in terms of getting it for lower prices. It does remind me of buying some buttons at an auction house a few years back. I was the only bidder for the item, or 'lot'. there was also some skype conversations with friends. it does seem to be a fine tool for communicating, although still fairly new to me.

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