Tuesday, November 28, 2017

office christmas party movie

I used a free code for a redbox rental and watched 'office Christmas party' starring Jason bateman and Jennifer aniston. I recognized somebody in it who had a bit part, he was still in high school when he started doing stand-up, around the time I started. there was two free codes that are expiring at the end of December, so now there is one left. this was a movie from a year ago, and it was no doubt a farce. there was plenty of sarcasm in it, in some cases a little too much. I liked how it was filmed in Chicago, since I have an affinity for the city. the storyline was familiar, in terms of it being a 'deadline movie'. in this case, it was sign a big client or people will get laid off. this is like many other redbox movies I have watched: more willing to give it a chance on video than at the theater, since I hate the feeling of wasted time and money. and it is more of a chore to go to a theater than get to redbox. I liked some of the characters in it, the Jason bateman character was one of them, seeing him make rounds at the office and all of the crazy things he has to witness. the other I like is the uptight HR lady, played by an SNL regular, kate McKinnon if I am not mistaken. since I am often dour I think this is why her role works for me.
   I made it to the performance venue and the friends of one comic was laughing a lot during my set, I said they should be at all of my shows.

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