Sunday, July 22, 2018

have a clay party

I went to volunteer orientation for the Minnesota fringe festival this afternoon, my second year doing so. after it was done I went to a water fountain and liked seeing a postcard there. it said 'have a clay party'. examples given are switch plates, butterfly ornaments, beads and buttons, finally frog sculptures. it is from a company called clay squared, 'fun, playful and relaxing for all ages'. it appears to be a company that is based nearby based on the address on northeast Minneapolis, and I was doing the orientation inside the former grain belt brewery complex. I got my volunteer shirt to wear when I am on duty, and since I already signed up for ushering shifts I got the vouchers as well. I plan on doing just four, the number of shows I also want to attend. I was allowed to claim a fringe magnet from a previous year, 2011, as well. this was before I even attended a show, let alone participated in it in any capacity. I had some time to fill after orientation was completed so I did walk around the area, got a few more photos. the nearby library was closed, as it normally is on a sunday, otherwise I would have went inside to read something there.
   then it was on to an open-mic in uptown, it was the final edition. the resistable comic is the show runner, and spoke of probably getting another show going at some point, but maybe not until sometime next year. some of us comics stayed for a conversation after the show was over, but I knew I wanted to get home and do some other things such as watch 'the simpsons' and get chores done, like the dishes. I also watched the college football movie 'the program' on DVD, a recent purchase. I stopped it when it was time for the 10pm news, then resumed it after it was done. there was just 30 minutes left when I decided to pause it. so now I can junk another VHS tape.

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