Tuesday, July 3, 2018

more keystrokes wanted

I had two appointments today, the second was with a temp agency. I did some online tests there and met with somebody as well about what my career interests are. then when I get home I have a voicemail stating they want me to retake a data entry test. I guess they wanted more keystrokes. I did re-take it, but got fewer keystrokes and lower accuracy as well.
   the first appointment was to see my file at the test scoring place in woodbury. there was four of the five evaluations of the projects I had done. I looked through all of it, even the copies of my degree. none of it really surprised me much in terms of what a team lead or scoring director said about me. I am quiet and efficient with my work.
   due to these two appointments, it meant there was less time for other things such as the chores and errand running left over from the weekend. so grocery shopping has to wait. I made it to the st. paul saints baseball game in the evening, but the saints lost to fargo-moorhead 4-0. the saints had the bases loaded twice, but just couldn't score. there was food trucks and fireworks after the game, the last song during the fireworks was 'party in the USA' by miley cyrus. I walked around for the first four innings, not wanting to have too much exposure to the sun. I was ready to sit down by then.

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