Wednesday, July 25, 2018

prefer self-checkout

i did some more errand running today to stay busy. one stop was a target express, and I got a tube of aim toothpaste. I turned down the chance to have a cashier ring me up as I said I prefer self-checkout, and there was a wait for it but it wasn't long. then I went to turn in change at the bank, just over 2 dollars. it was all I had in the can for the past month, since I have had to cut spending while I am unemployed. as usual, I am getting a higher value from the pennies than nickels, as I am willing to pick up pennies when I see them on the pavement. or even inside a store, or next to the change counter. it spit out one coin, a penny from the 1940s, so it was placed in a tin with other old coins. I filed more applications with an agency, and did a data entry test with a bank as there was an email request for it. one agency emailed me and asked when I was available to take calls, and I was called shortly after it. but the call was dropped after just a few minutes, and I noticed the battery was low so I plugged it into the wall to recharge it. and got some other things done, such as the aforementioned errand running. I called and left a message, as well as responded to the email, so it is their move now. I also got an email from somebody representing the same agency, near the end of the day, so now I will have to find out what they have available. I am still waiting to have them do something about being double charged on the haircut, this time I spoke with the manager, who said she had tried to reach the franchise owner. I have been recognized by the manager before, from the comedy circuit as she has roomed with comics before.
  in the evening I performed at an open-mic, but did not sing this time even though 'mr. acronym' talked about it before the show. the bartender wanted to joke around a little when I was getting a beer, and I decided to make it part of my set. part of it was about where I leave tips. one tends to recognize the opportunities that exist with finding material. I even spoke of some of the weird stories about being onstage, and some recalled those as it was from the same open-mic, but when it was at a different venue.

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