Wednesday, October 17, 2018

i know there's something going on, frida

I went to use a dairy queen 2-for-1 blizzard coupon that would be expiring in a few days. I am getting mini sized blizzards now, cheaper and then I don't have to take any home. when I was driving back home I really liked a song I heard on my car radio. I found out it was 'i know there's something going on' by Frida. she was in the Swedish music group known as ABBA. this was a hit song back in 1982. I liked reading about it on Wikipedia, as it said phil Collins was the drummer for this song. the video shows a photo shoot, and a darkroom with photos in it. this explains well what the song is about- as she sings about her man being with another woman. the drumming is what hooked me here, and I usually take notice of it when I hear it on the radio.
  at work things are still going slow, but I also want to get it done right. I pride myself in avoiding asking the same question twice, so this should help with being quicker with the work. I am doing well on learning counties, such as when they happen to be in high population centers.  I noticed how my neighbor assigned me loans from Douglas county, but there are multiple states that have a county by this name- Colorado, Wisconsin, Minnesota. I am calling it 'Doug County', makes it easier to remember. I did the same with a road in des moines, calling it 'Doug Avenue'. thankfully no meeting today, but this was likely since my boss was there for just a half day.
     tonight I went to a new open-mic, the show runner is somebody that I knew from another show. it made a difference that he invited me in person, as sometimes a facebook invite is not enough. especially when I am performing most nights of the week now. I had a craft beer, this was all they had on their beer list, no big deal. plenty of musicians and poets there, of course he himself is a poet. I wasn't sure how much stage time I would be getting, but I figured when I saw him in the back moving forearms one over the over that I was being 'lighted'. so I figured it was time to finish up. an older man gave me a fist bump on the way out, he said he liked my set. it was just as much story telling as it was jokes. I briefly stepped out to go feed the meter on my car, and got beer after I was onstage. since it was a new mic, I wanted to find it first and find out about stage time. and I wanted an alternate plan available, such as the normal venue I perform at. so when I first parked my car, I paid for less than an hour. I said I would make it as often as I can, as I like how the show finishes earlier. and I know downtown st. paul well, since I once worked there and perform at other mics near there. I decided the wait out the after game traffic before going back to my car, the Minnesota wild hockey game was going on nearby.

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