Sunday, October 14, 2018

sisters brothers movie

I went to see the movie 'sisters brothers' in uptown Minneapolis this afternoon. I had to re-route due to construction but I made it while the previews were still happening. this movie was all right, but hard to describe aside from that. the end was anticlimactic. I had to laugh a little when I saw them depict using a toothbrush and toothpaste, which must have been a new thing in the 1850s. all I recall was mention in school of how the toothbrush was invented by William addis, according to Wikipedia it was decades before the year being covered in this movie. I understand better why this is getting a limited release, as there was an early scene showing a horse on fire. when movies filmed in America say 'no animal was harmed' I also understood why it was produced by the French and filmed in various nations, including Romania I recall, as I like watching the closing credits. it also made me laugh when one of them dared the other to punch him and he did. this is definitely not a typical western. from what I recall, westerns usually do not cover the gold rush and this one does.
  I tried watching a DVD movie in the evening, after 'the simpsons', but I fell asleep and not sure how much I missed. so I will have to try again soon. it was one I picked up from the post office this weekend, ordered from amazon. I placed some more postcard orders from e-bay today, and got some more ideas for others to order. I liked how 'the simpsons' referenced an edith piaf song in tonight's episode. I had seen 'la vie en rose' so I am familiar with her music, even sang it on karaoke night before. seeing the movie meant doing dishes and recycle after it, so it meant some of it was done while watching the news.

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