Monday, October 8, 2018

miracle season movie

saw a redbox rental today, 'miracle season'. I knew it as the 'iowa city volleyball movie' when I couldn't recall the title. I saw a preview at theaters. as an iowa native, I knew I would want to see it. I was unfamiliar with the true story that served as the basis, but going to college in iowa city I was familiar with how this was one of two public high schools in the town. according to the closing credits, it was filmed in Canada. hard to tell how much, if any of it, was actually filmed in iowa. and I could tell how some of the names of the schools were changed in it. this reminded me of another iowa movie about high school sports, 'final season'. the movie was all right, but nothing special to me. it was nice to have some actors with name recognition, such as helen hunt as the coach.
   I took advantage of the day off due to the bank holiday, and got some things done. this included an oil change on my car, and then doing laundry. I know full well it had been a while since I had done laundry, as I change clothes less often when I am 'on vacation'.
   tonight was a nice night for performing, as I was on at the comedy club. I mostly did new jokes, but ended with an older one that people really liked as it caught them off-guard. I liked seeing somebody I knew from another venue, as I recall his name is cartier. hadn't seem him in a while, it was nice to get caught up on things. it was great to have approval from some of my fellow performers, and when I left the show room to reflect on my set I said 'it is still fun'. I had said before I would continue as long as it is fun.

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