Saturday, November 3, 2018

cashier sharing

i went to Walgreen after work and got the paper as well as some Halloween candy, since it is now half-off. the cashier shared a story with me, not sure why. something about a weird al song being stuck in her head, but didn't say which one. I said he was name-checked on a nostalgia show, 'the goldbergs', where one character said 'the guy who does all of those songs about food'. pretty much. and spent much of the 1980s imitating Michael Jackson.
    I had a list of things to do, and look up, for the weekend and got to some of them tonight. I looked at the timberwolves basketball schedule to see when they play new orleans, it will be this month and in January. still remains to be determined as to if it fits my budget, as I have cut back a lot on the non-essential spending. I looked up a song I had heard at the karaoke bar the night before, it was 'in color' bu Jamey Johnson. and I went to perform karaoke tonight, I did 'shout' by tears for fears. much like many of the songs I am doing recently, I hear it on the radio and say I haven't done it yet. before I went to perform I watched the final episode of 'barney miller' on a rerun channel. it still resonates with me in terms of being faced with transition. the news spoke of high school football playoff games happening tonight, but I did not attend one. I figured I probably wouldn't get around to finding out where one would be, and then get there, on time. I had some small chores to cross off my list that had been waiting for a few days. so sometimes it is fine to stay in to get mundane things done. this also included checking my phone. although the voice mail led to unwelcome news. it said my job has ended. and that is all I have got to say about that.

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