Friday, November 23, 2018

lady sings the blues movie

i watched another DVD on loan from the library this afternoon, it was 'lady sings the blues', about billie holiday, the musician. it was produced by berry gordy, the Motown records boss. I recognized many of the actors in it, such as diana ross as billie. also billy dee Williams, who had a big role in it, along with Richard pryor, and Isabel Sanford. of course I know Isabel from her role on 'the jeffersons' as louise. it covered plenty of her struggles, such as prostitution and drugs, as well as legal problems. the big thing at the end of the movie was her concert at Carnegie hall in new York city, and newspaper clippings of her life after it were shown, including mention of her death in 1959, at age 44. there are also scenes from a concert tour in the south, where she sees a lynching, and the klan marching in the streets next to the tour bus she is in. so of course it was hard to watch in many places, but these are stories that need to be told. I had seen another story about her life, a play back in 2008. it was 'lady day at emerson's bar and grill'. the play was memorable as there was a brief interruption due to a couple arguing, then deciding to leave the venue. in the tour that led up to the Carnegie hall gig, I liked seeing how one of the venues depicted was the Chicago theater, as I have seen a concert there. the movie was from 1972.
    I got started early on things to do, making it to a costume shop shortly after it had opened. I was a little standoffish as there was a dog barking at me from the upper level, even said so to the employee. but I stated what I needed and got right down to business. then I headed home to watch a football game, as my school- the iowa hawkeyes- was on TV, against Nebraska. iowa won 31-28 on a last-second field goal, but Iowa let Nebraska get back into the game as iowa led 28-13 at one point.
   in the evening I watched my DVD copy of the charlie brown thanksgiving special, of course I like to watch it annually. I did this after watching two 'frosty' specials on CBS. first there was the original, with jimmy durante as the narrator. then there was the sequel, with john goodman as the snowman. I am ambivalent about the sequel. john goodman does well, but as a big charlie brown fan I didn't like how some of it looked like a rip-off of charlie brown specials. it seemed obvious in what some of the characters looked like, and their mannerisms. I noticed how bill Melendez was involved with it, much like with charlie brown specials, so this might explain some of it.  I watched some of the high school football championships as well, Lakeville north edged eden prairie 28-21. then after the news I went to sing karaoke. I did 'human' by Christina perri. I was asked to switch mics early in the song.

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