Tuesday, November 6, 2018

text while voting

I went to vote in the afternoon, and while there I heard a text coming in on my phone, it was in my pocket. but I knew well enough to ignore it and looked at it after I left the polling place. it was from an agency that wanted to set up a phone interview. it has already been delayed though, first asking me if I wanted to chat on Tuesday then was told their Tuesday was full. hopefully I see something with substance soon. anyway, I liked how it was no big deal to vote. the wait for a ballot was minimal, about two minutes. I helped myself out by buying a paper before I went as I wanted to see articles about what is up for vote besides governor, senator, and judges. there was a school referendum as well, this is what prompted me to get the paper more than anything else. I got a test the day before saying there would be a referendum. one article directed people to a website, and it showed  a sample ballot. as usual, I checked my work before submitting it as I take it seriously when they say to fill in the box entirely. I noticed how an elderly woman needed help, so somebody was reading the names of the candidates to her. the paper had articles about not just the offices up for vote in Minnesota, but also what to expect on a national scale. I bought some more discounted Halloween candy while at Walgreen getting the paper, but this time just Reese's peanut butter. there is still a decent amount of candy left, but now it is 70 percent off instead of 50 last week.
   I applied to more jobs this morning, mostly with the state government. I hadn't done it there for more than five months, so I had a hard time recalling the username and password. in the evening I went to perform, after getting out of my easy chair where I had fallen asleep. I am getting used to the routine at this venue, in this case signing up for a slot on the chalkboard in the back.

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