Tuesday, June 11, 2019

dented ravioli can

I made a visit to the dollar store after work and got the last can of ravioli, under the 'generic' label. it was a dented can, so now on my next visit it likely means getting chef Boyardee. I also picked up some bars of soap, and some peanut butter crackers. I was surprised that the can was still there, as I saw it when I was there last week as well. the main thing still is needing a fork as well as a spoon when eating it at work. not a big deal. I read 313 essays at work. all I care about is trying to read a few more than the previous day, and I did. although it sounds like they want us to read even more. I went outside for the first break, but it looked like it was clouding up even then. I got a good look after stepping outside the front door at lunchtime, then went right back in. and it was raining for the afternoon break, but I was just quick about getting to my car so I could hear my phone better while in my car. I've said it has become my 'de facto office'.
    in the evening I went to the library in hopes of completing some forms and an interview there, but it was not to be. so I will have to let agency know it was a no-go. and ask if an in-person meeting is possible to take care of it. then after that it was on to the performance venue. I went on before I got my drink order in. as I was leaving the venue, another performer was doing a freestyle rap and looked in my direction and said he liked my 'improv story telling'. I had to laugh as I wasn't expecting that.
but it is flattering.

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