Sunday, June 16, 2019

liberty valance play

this afternoon I went to see a play at the round theater in Minneapolis, it was 'the man who shot liberty valance'. I had seen the movie version, starring john wayne. most of the storyline was familiar from seeing the movie. I just didn't recall all of the character names and was asking who was playing jimmy stewart, as well as john wayne. I also liked the leading lady, a spirited woman, miss Jackson. they did well on making the set look like a wild west saloon, as there was a cow skull on display. there was also some art in the area by the concession stand, with a western motif, woodworking. I tend to see one play at this venue per season, and for next season it will likely be 'prints', about the ma barker gang kidnapping the hamm's beer heir. although before then I would expect to get there for the fringe festival in august, as it is usually a venue for this festival.
   in the evening I went to the comedy club and saw baby puppet perform, she isn't in town much, being based in los angeles. she was the MC, and I also knew the middle performer, wee bit. but I didn't know the headliner. although it sounds like one of his credits is comedy central. he spoke of being from Washington, DC. after the play I went home and tried to call my dad but it rang and the machine did not pick up. so I sent a text message to my sister, who responded just over an hour later and said this has been a problem before, and will check it out.
   also notable about the day was charlie brown and snoopy. I had it on my mind to check how many of those specials I have on DVD, and about seeing which ones I can order. according to Wikipedia, there are 45, and I have 33 of them. and I decided to watch 'easter beagle' as well as 'arbor day', as those were on the same disc. since I am a big baseball fan, I wanted to see 'arbor day' as I knew that baseball is part of the storyline. and I hadn't seen 'easter beagle' yet this year. if I don't see them close to the holiday on an annual basis on TV, then I know I can watch them at anytime when I have the time due to having the disc. I think that is also one of them where I have it in book form as well. looks like it hasn't changed much as to what I can still order, and I did order one from amazon. it has 3 specials on it that I don't have yet. and it should arrive within the week. I knew I had to study things well as there was one disc with three on it and a later re-issue had just two. all about wanting to get my money's worth. it includes a valentine special from 2002, one of those produced after Charles schulz died. I have accepted that some of them are hard to find, at least on DVD. some of them are only on VHS, since they must not have been popular enough to be released on DVD. two of them are listed as part of an Australian edition, and I am not sure about wanting those when it states that those will not play in DVD players in this nation. there are ones I don't have yet such as 'the emmy winners' and 'the 1970s collection' so it means more studying as to if or when I get them. since I know it mean some duplication. when some discs have 'bonus episodes' there are three that I have twice.

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