Monday, August 5, 2019

beat the postcard home

I flew back from st. louis just over a week ago, and the postcard i sent just arrived today. it does remind me of what my dad liked to say about vacations, how we would 'beat the postcard home'. i like having it as it is a compact reminder of my annual visits there. since postcards are small and one must choose carefully as to what is said on it. i've found out that it works well to bring a stamped card with me so i don't have to hunt around for either item while i am in town. i chose the image of a fourth of july fireworks show, likely on the riverfront. other notables arriving in the mail today were another completed background check for employment, two items from my car insurance company, and a catalog from the hawk shop- the university of iowa.
  not much was done on the job front today. I went to a job fair in north st. paul, but it had some of the same companies as the one in stillwater last week. and i think there were fewer companies as well. i saw an email from a medical scribe company i had applied to, so i responded to it. there was also something from an agency, but i saw it near the end of the workday so the rep was not available. i will hope to hear more soon about it. besides the job fair, i also decided to get the property tax refund forms ready and mailed. so it meant some more time away from home. while i am working i am aware of how i tend to check my email less often. i wanted to get caught up on things i didn't do on sunday, such as some of those online surveys, as well as doing the dishes.
  I performed in the evening, at the once-a-month place. before then i liked covering multiple subjects with brawler. it started with mention of being a part of fringe this weekend, and it will be memorable as i used the word 'glib' since i liked hearing it when gary coleman was a guest star on 'the simpsons'. i did one thing tonight after getting home that i have done before- checking online to see i had used a word correctly, and there were some variations on meanings found. there were some newer comics that liked hearing me talk about the craft of performing, after the show was over. i didn't end up using all of my prepared set as i decided to answer a joke about the space program where the comic did not get their facts straight. as a history major, i have a hard time ignoring it.

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