Monday, August 19, 2019

two libraries

i went to two libraries. it wasn't my original plan, but after checking the database of movies I realized I needed to. now it means finding the time to watch it, but of course I have a week when it is on loan from the library. I had an idea about wanting to find road movies, and much like with thrillers I was able to get some more ideas online. since there are lists dedicated to these specific subjects and genres. it is still about the 'path of least resistance' as I have run into a high demand for one of the versions of 'star is born' and I don't want to buy it on amazon when renting it is a better game plan. I have registered for some job fairs that are later in the week.
    I performed in the evening, and I was getting annoyed with people multiple times. first it was somebody that I had met for the first time, probably a new performer, telling me how to live my life. and that is the cardinal sin to me, since I don't tell anyone how to live theirs. the other was after the show, and much like before the mad hatter was witness to it. I was dealing with somebody who kept 'riffing' off what I or others were saying, and I finally told him off. he said he is used to hearing it, so it is somebody who is aware but that doesn't excuse them at all. it is hard for me to hide when I get annoyed with others. my set went fine, the show runner told a story about billboards after hearing one of my stories being about billboards.

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