Wednesday, August 14, 2019

florence and the machine

this week I liked the sound of a song on the jukebox at a venue I was performing at. I wrote it down so I could look it up later on. it was 'sky full of song' by Florence and the machine. it sounded like a band that was new to me, but I found out it probably wasn't. I recognized one song title, when checking Wikipedia, it was 'dog days are over'. I had heard that one before. they are a british indie rock band, and I do like indie or alternative music quite a bit.  
   I had the interview with a bank this morning, felt good about it but still must wait more than a week to hear the results. I also signed up for a hiring event in the afternoon, but when I met with the people onsite they told me it was for sales so I had to pass.
    I had two calls from family, this is not typical, at least in the same day. one was this morning and from my sister, saying she couldn't find my dad and said I hadn't heard from him. something about a relative in the hospital. the call in the afternoon was from the one in the hospital, a niece. I am aware of how I don't speak about family much, and for those who know me well enough, they know I have my reasons. she is still in high school, and I asked how she is doing in school. I was pleased to hear how she has interests in the arts, although I didn't talk at all about my being in the arts. I said that it is best to do what you love doing, and that is one of those things along with working with kids. I liked how we found things to talk about even though we didn't know each other all that well. and of course I liked that somebody cared enough to keep me in the loop about it. she said she recalled seeing me at a family wedding in Wisconsin 4 years ago, my cousin's. so the next step might be to connect on facebook, as I am interested in hearing about her pursuit of her interests.
   it was nice to go perform tonight, not just my own stage time but also seeing some 'ring of honor' members that I don't see too often. this included the crow, the Wisconsin girl, and conga line. the last of those three was the show closer, and she had a song about the upcoming state fair. the crow spoke about being on the road, making all the way out to the west coast and performing at stops along the way. Wisconsin girl showed pictures of state fair food she wants to eat, they were on her phone. some of my mannerisms and voice inflections seemed to get more laughs than my jokes did. but I am aware of how this can happen. 

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