Wednesday, August 21, 2019

tootsie strawberry frooties

i went to another job fair just before midday, in Burnsville. and one of the employers there had candy. it was tootsie strawberry frooties. I had two of them, I don't see them that often. there still wasn't many companies there that are in my field. I saw the census bureau, lost count of how many times since Stillwater which prompted me to register with them. I did get the email from them, it arrived when I was at the job fair. I tried to schedule an appointment for finger printing but technical issues were getting in the way. I tried at home as well as at the library. so it means trying the number I was given. I am thankful to have an alternate plan available. I filed more applications with a bank, as well as on indeed. I also called an advisor after I couldn't find them at a job fair. they told me I was being too hard on myself. but I was also given some pointers for an interview with the state next week. I was told that they hardly ever tell people why not hired, after I found an email in response to my asking for feedback from an interview for the same role in January. I also made plenty of calls to follow up with staffing agencies I had registered with. I was unable to get ahold of most of them. one of them had submitted me for a role, but told me I wasn't picked. I hear this all the time. one of my applications required me to record some video responses, hadn't done this before. but I found out there was a webcam available, so I said I grew as a person by getting it done.
   when I arrived at the performance venue in the evening, it was a little unnerving to see some of the city's finest there. sounds like they were investigating an assault that had happened there. but it didn't affect our show. the fancy comic was in the lineup. I was hearing plenty of laughs from the crow. one of them was something I hadn't planned on doing, it was belching into the microphone during my set. the show runner said this was the first time she had seen it at this show.

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