Sunday, August 4, 2019

taco bell between shows

it was another busy day for me with the fringe festival. I had another shift of ushering, then two more shows to attend. although my role as an usher was diminished as there was a second usher that arrived before me and already had the apron on for collecting tokens. so I handed out programs. I did a check of the seating area but not much was found. the venue was small enough that it could have made it with just one usher. I read some from a coffee table book about the history of the city of Minneapolis. I was also given an ice cream sandwich by a techie. I had asked about what was in the refrigerator, a maytag model. this was the same venue where I had the unified audition in april.
   I didn't want to mill around at the venue after my shift was done, even though the first show of the day that I wanted to attend was at the same venue. so I took a long walk between shows, and since it was dinner time I decided to eat at a taco bell. it was northeast Minneapolis and I walked under a bridge for 35W to get there, I liked having a decent view of the skyline from there and it became one of my photos. I made it back about 20 minutes before show time, so still fairly early. I made sure to change my shirt as I was off-duty and didn't want anyone asking me questions. it was the 'nerd rage' podcast, and one of the debaters does a history show I like seeing in march. I found her after the show and said I liked seeing the performance. then it was on to the next show at a different venue. it was a spoof of the movie 'bill and ted'. I did not know any of the actors in it but there was name recognition in who was listed as the director, as well as a writer. it is nice to get the first weekend of the festival out of the way. I know I will be a little less busy on the second weekend. I didn't want to interfere with my own performing schedule so that means four days off from fringe and I will pick it up again on Friday.

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