Tuesday, August 27, 2019

duplicate business cards

i went through my binder full of business cards tonight and found a few that were duplicates. so it freed up some slots for cards that I wanted to fit in there. along with doubling up on slots where it wasn't a full-sized card. I know I hadn't looked at it in a while, because I haven't bought any 9-slot sheets in a while. I look at my baseball card collection more often, which uses the same kind of sheets. I also keep pocket schedules for sports teams in the same binder as the business cards.
   this morning I had an interview with the state government, near the capitol. it was not the typical interview, which feels too much like an 'interrogation' to me and this is why I hate interviews. there are background checks and reference checks to do, but it sounded like they were ready to extend an offer to me. although it wouldn't start right away. in the afternoon I called the census bureau, as I hadn't heard anything since the finger printing. but they must be doing background checks at this point. so it is still 'wait and see' with them.
   I had the pizza from the previous day at lunchtime, it tasted good. there was 3 slices, although I admit I picked off the red peppers. after this I went to the airport to scout out the rental car area. it looks like my upcoming reservation will be with an on-site company. I do recall one time last year I think when I amended the reservation and it was with a company that was off-site. so it meant having to take a shuttle to their facility. after this I went to the bank to make a loan payment.
  in the evening I went to perform. I got my bottle of soda just before going onstage and it led to me having it in my hand while I was performing. not the best game plan, especially when it was a plastic bottle and it was leaking through the cap as I guess it wasn't screwed on tightly enough. when I saw somebody motion to me about it, I took it upon myself to see that it was cleaned up at the end of my set. I am used to clean-up jobs since I was a janitor in college to pay my tuition. the floutist was on after me. I like hearing her perform but she was upset that some people weren't paying attention. the show runner spoke about it at one point, saying people should be more respectful.

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