Thursday, January 10, 2013

Jeopardy Online Test

   I did take the Jeopardy online test tonight, after a false start last night. I finished it fairly quickly, it was 50 questions. I think I knew at least half of them. A few I didn't know at all, such as some Shakespeare plays. I know some of those plays but not all of them. I like the satisfaction of still trying annually on the audition, same as 'Who Wants to be a Millionaire'. But I did the 'Millionaire' audition at a nearby casino, in person is nice of course.
   At work it was busy in the morning for me, completing my normal duties and then the Excel class. After a 30-minute break it was on to the job interview. There were two interviewers in person and somebody from HR by phone. I did my best to answer all questions but was unsure about some like the one about what gets me frustrated. I said I didn't know we could admit this. I did speak of doing comedy briefly before this, when thinking how best to answer what my proudest professional accomplishments are. So I went with writing instead of comedy, thinking it would sound better to go with something related to what was in the office. Although I said I am no longer afraid of public speaking due to doing comedy. I kept it positive throughout, so I know this helps me. But I will have to wait to hear how I did. I know what's in my favor is being an internal candidate, and how they are looking for more than one employee to fill their needs. In the afternoon it was covering special requests, as a colleague left early. It kept me busier than I normally would be, so I liked it.
   The Oscar nominations were announced today, I was most interested in those for two movies I had seen. These were 'Lincoln', with 12, and 'Silver Linings Playbook', with 8.
   When I was at the library tonight printing things I decided to look at their DVD's first. I like knowing they had a wide variety, so much that I mostly just looked at the first one in each section. I did check out 'La Vie En Rose', one I had meant to see at theaters. Another one they had there was 'Serpico' starring Al Pacino, a reminder of being in St. Louis annually. I see a poster for it inside the airport at a bar.
    I did watch 'Big Bang Theory' before heading to the library. It was a fun idea to have them dressed up in 'Star Trek the Next Generation' costumes, they were stuck with wearing them after their car was stolen. Also funny to see their ladies debate comic books, wanting to understand them better. Or even how they were stared at in the comic book shop as the men hardly ever see women in the shop.

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