Sunday, August 5, 2018

audrey hepburn mural

this was my day of attending fringe shows after volunteering. I went to three shows and the first was at minnsky theater in northeast Minneapolis. it was memorable due to seeing an Audrey Hepburn mural near the front door, from 'breakfast at tiffany's'. the show I saw there was done by the Wisconsin couple, about living in that state. then I had a nice long gap where I could go home until the early evening and have some pizza before going to the other two. one was done by whopper, at the u of m, an absurdist comedy that reminded me of 'dr. strangelove'. the third was at strike theater back in northeast, just a few blocks from the first venue of the day. the 'ball of energy' was in this show and it was very much his show. there was a good cast all around but he was the funniest. I sat between the Wisconsin couple at this show, pleased that a seat was saved for me. I saw people I knew at all three shows. magic man was at the first one, and bus fare comic was at the second. but it made sense that if I knew some of the performers, that I would also know some of the patrons.
   I have one ticket voucher left, and now I am thinking about adding a few more shows to my schedule. at the outset I said I was fine with seeing just four. but now I might see as many as seven shows. so it would mean signing up for more volunteer shifts if I want to get in free. I picked up some of the show cards I am considering to remind me. and one of them was a show I ushered at. of course the logistics have to be figured out. but I have some time to mull it over, since I plan on doing fringe again next weekend. I don't want to interfere with my normal performing schedule on weeknights.
   I did the grocery shopping this morning, arriving less than an hour after they had opened for the day. then in the evening, after getting back from fringe, I did the dishes and recycle. it was no big deal getting around for fringe, although there was warnings of road closures. it helped to allow extra time to get there, and use alternate routes.

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